
15 Tips by Brittany from She Run The World for Ecuador

Embark on a virtual journey to Ecuador, as Brittany from She Run the World shares her invaluable insights on the 15 things you need to know before visiting this captivating South American destination. In her engaging YouTube video, Brittany covers essential topics such as currency, language, safety, transportation, packing tips, and much more. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, these insider tips will ensure you have a smooth and memorable experience exploring the wonders of Quito, Ecuador.

Ecuador Currency:

Brittany begins by shedding light on the currency used in Ecuador, providing valuable information on exchanging money and the general cost of living in the country. Understanding the local currency is crucial for navigating transactions and managing your expenses effectively.

Credit Cards vs. Cash:

In this section, Brittany discusses the pros and cons of using credit cards versus cash in Ecuador. She offers practical advice on where credit cards are accepted and the importance of carrying some cash for transactions in more remote areas or small businesses.

Plug Adapters:

For travelers from different regions, the topic of plug adapters is crucial. Brittany provides insights on the type of plugs used in Ecuador, helping you ensure that your electronic devices are compatible and charged throughout your visit.

Ecuador Visa:

Brittany delves into the topic of visas for travelers planning to visit Ecuador, discussing the visa requirements based on nationality and the duration of your stay. She provides guidance on obtaining the necessary visas and any associated costs.

Spanish vs. English in Ecuador:

Language plays a significant role in travel experiences. Brittany explores the prevalence of Spanish as the primary language in Ecuador and offers tips on navigating language barriers, including basic Spanish phrases that can be helpful during your stay.

Ecuadorian Food:

Food enthusiasts will appreciate Brittany’s insights into Ecuadorian cuisine. She shares highlights of the local culinary scene, including traditional dishes and popular ingredients, ensuring you embark on a flavorful journey through Quito’s diverse food culture.

Ecuador’s Name Origin:

Brittany delves into the fascinating origin of Ecuador’s name, unraveling its historical significance and shedding light on the country’s unique identity.

Crime and Safety Issues in Ecuador:

Safety is a top concern for travelers, and Brittany addresses this important topic by discussing crime rates and safety precautions in Ecuador. She offers tips to stay vigilant and ensure a secure travel experience.

Beware of Altitude Sickness:

With Quito’s high altitude, Brittany highlights the potential effects of altitude sickness and provides practical advice on how to prevent and manage its symptoms during your visit.

Don’t Drink the Tap Water:

Water safety is crucial when traveling, and Brittany emphasizes the importance of avoiding tap water in Ecuador. She suggests alternative options for staying hydrated and enjoying safe drinking water throughout your stay.

Public Transportation in Ecuador:

Navigating public transportation can be a challenge in a new destination. Brittany provides insights into Ecuador’s transportation system, including buses, taxis, and other modes of getting around, making your journeys through Quito smoother and more efficient.

So Much Geographical Diversity:

Ecuador is renowned for its remarkable geographical diversity. Brittany highlights the country’s natural wonders, including the Amazon Rainforest, the Galapagos Islands, and the Andes Mountains, encouraging travelers to explore the breathtaking landscapes beyond Quito.

Packing Tips for Ecuador:

Packing appropriately is essential for a comfortable trip. Brittany offers practical advice on what to pack for various climates and activities in Ecuador, ensuring you are well-prepared for your adventures.

Time of Year to Visit Ecuador:

Brittany discusses the ideal time of year to visit Ecuador based on weather conditions, popular festivals, and specific attractions. She provides valuable insights into the different seasons and their impact on outdoor activities, wildlife sightings, and cultural celebrations. By understanding the best time to visit, travelers can tailor their itineraries to make the most of their Quito experience and ensure they don’t miss out on any of the country’s unique offerings.

Time Needed to Travel Ecuador:

In the final point of her video, Brittany addresses the time needed to explore Ecuador thoroughly. Recognizing the country’s diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage, she advises travelers on the recommended duration for a comprehensive visit. Whether you have a limited timeframe or can afford an extended stay, Brittany’s insights help you plan your itinerary effectively, ensuring you have enough time to experience the highlights of Quito and venture beyond to discover the wonders that Ecuador has to offer.


As Brittany from She Run the World wraps up her comprehensive guide to visiting Quito, Ecuador, she leaves us with a wealth of knowledge and insights to ensure a memorable and well-prepared journey. From understanding the local currency and language to prioritizing safety and considering the effects of altitude, her tips provide a solid foundation for a successful trip.

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