
Istanbul Vlog by Shanshank Sharma | Food Tour

Shanshank Sharma, a travel vlogger, takes his viewers on a backpacking trip in Istanbul in this captivating vlog. The video is the second episode from his Turkey travel series and showcases Istanbul’s mesmerizing beauty. Shanshank shares his experiences with the audience as he takes them on a tour of Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar, Istiklal Street, Sent Antuan Church, Hagia Sofia, and Sultanahmet Square. He also gives a glimpse of the Istanbul New Airport and the Havaist bus ride from the airport to the city.

Shanshank’s vlog is not just about the places he visits, but also the local food he samples. He shares his exclusive Istanbul food tour with the viewers, which includes restaurants and street food stalls serving delicious cold mezze, sultan sarma/pasa lokum/sultan lokum, Turkish food buffet, fried veggies, baklava, and Turkish breakfast. He takes his viewers on a gastronomic journey through Istanbul’s bustling streets and bazaars.

In his vlog, Shanshank also talks about his favorite spots in Istanbul, including the Arasta Bazaar, which he found particularly charming. He takes a walk through the Flower Passage in Istanbul, which is one of the most beautiful hidden gems in the city. Shanshank also talks about the various modes of transportation he used to get around Istanbul, including the Tramways of Istanbul, Istanbul Metro, Istanbul Taxi, Istanbul Nostalgic Tram, and Istanbul Public Ferries. He found using local transportation convenient, economical, and comfortable.

In addition to his travel experiences, Shanshank also shares quick information about Istanbul Kart, SIM Card, and Foreign Exchange. He provides valuable insights for travelers who are planning to visit Istanbul and want to make their trip smooth and hassle-free.

Shanshank’s Istanbul vlog is a must-watch for anyone who loves to travel, explore new places, and experience local food and culture. His vlog is informative, entertaining, and provides valuable insights into Istanbul’s vibrant and diverse culture. Shanshank’s travel vlogs are an excellent source of inspiration for anyone who wants to embark on a backpacking trip or explore new destinations. His vlog will surely encourage travelers to pack their bags and head to Istanbul to experience its unique charm and beauty.

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